Grace and peace.
This is why our witness is so important….
Today’s Verse:
“For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.” – Matthew 16:25
This is the ultimate paradox: in order for Christians to find life, we are commanded to lose it for His sake. Sounds confusing right? It’s because today’s culture promotes a mentality and attitude that’s totally opposite, different and contradicting to this command. We’re taught to be selfish instead of to sacrifice. We’re told it’s not about what we can give but what we’re entitled to receive. That life isn’t about submitting to God’s authority but rather enjoying our legal rights and benefits as a Christian. If we all continue to think this way, soon there will be no more Christians willing to serve others. If we really want to find true life, start by denying oneself and take up the cross (verse 24). Let go of pride and God may even require us to release all possessions to Him (Matthew 19:21). We need to realize that our life doesn’t belong to us but to God and He bought us at a price (2 Corinthians 6:19-20). If we live, we should live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for Him (Romans 14:8). – Commentary by: Mark Natividad
Today’s Prayer:
Heavenly Father, I choose to deny myself and carry the cross like Your Son. Lord, I renounce anything that’s standing in the way of enabling me to completely serve and give my life to You. I lift it all up to You. Amen.
Pax et Bonum
Have a great weekend!
Bro Andrew Manning